Thursday, October 11, 2007

A very big decision...

Okay this blog is for my non myspace readers because I have already blogged about this on there too...:)
I thought I had already made my decision about the whole baby thing, but it turns out Eddie really still wants another baby. So, I am going through the pros and cons in my head trying to make a decision. Here goes...
We will start with the pros...
#1. I love being a mom more that anything else in the world. I always wanted a whole house full of kids.
#2. Family is so important to me and the more there is to love the better!
#3. LeeAnn really wants to be a big sister. And I know she would be a great help with the baby and with her being older she would understand things better so there would be less jealousy.

And now the cons...
#1. Money of course. Babies are expensive and there is that matter of daycare for five years...
#2. We have a very little house and we can't afford to move to a bigger house. We are already crammed in like sardines as it is...It makes me think of the song called "Love grows best in little houses"
#3. Pregnancy sucks! And with my new job I couldn't miss work...I would have to go feeling like crap all of the time. And I know it could be different but it's not likely!
#4. LeeAnn is so independent and does things mostly for herself. Do we really want to start over with a baby who requires so much care and attention????

If anybody could offer some words of advice it would be most appreciated! Oh and lastly am I to freaking old to be thinking about this anyway????
Help me with suggestions PLEASE!

Here are a few pics of LeeAnn as a baby...nice reminder of how worth it it all is!